For more than twenty years, Jane Coyle has served Southeast Asian refugees and immigrants, facilitated adoptions of Vietnamese and Ethnic Minority children to US families, built homes, and added bathrooms, showers, and clean water drinking facilities to orphanages and schools in Vietnam.

Jane delivered tons of medicines, school supplies, and clothing to those in need, and brought American doctors and nurses to Vietnam to volunteer in desperately poor orphanages. She worked on projects devoted to pediatric health and the elimination of malnutrition in young children.

Jane continues to devote her life to enriching the lives of children in need in Vietnam, and supporting the expansion of Vietnamese Traditional Music through her organization, The Vietnam Fund for Education, Music & Infrastructure, Inc.

Lubosh Cech is an artist working in film, design, and photography. He studied painting, design, and art history in his native Prague, Czech Republic. Lubosh is a founder of Oko Design Studio and Naked River Films. His film projects include Tulku: The Art of Transformation and I"m Down With You. He"s been working with the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, The Other Person Is You foundation, and Portland State University, among others. More about Lubosh at

Mark Moore is a music producer, designer, writer, and eco-social entrepreneur. He is the founder and chairperson of the Earthville Network, a global charitable organization dedicated to sustainable and compassionate living, and its arts branch, Earthville Arts. He divides his time between the Himalayas, the Alps, and the Rockies, and is now joyfully working to establish an eco-friendly service retreat center and sustainable village development project in the Indian Himalayas. More about Mark here.

Nguyen Nha Duc, cousin of the legendary Vietnamese musician Nguyen Ngoc Khánh, was born into a family with a long tradition of devotion to education and the arts.

After graduating from the Foreign Language University in Hanoi, Duc went on to study at the Hanoi University for Foreign Trade in 1985. Upon graduation he took a position working for a state-owned company dealing in essential oils.

In 1993 Duc was invited to study in England by a British Investment Group and the British Department of Trade. Later he worked as a representative for that Investment Group in Hanoi. At present, he is employed by a Taiwanese Company in Hanoi.

Duc’s devotion to and interest in the legacy of his family as well as his country, led him to become involved with the Vietnam Fund for Education, Music & Infrastructure’s traditional music and film project. This tribute project that includes an audio CD compilation and documentary film, is based on the powerful story of the music and artistry of Duc’s family, and cousin Nguyen Ngoc Khánh.

His sensitivity to both the Vietnamese and American aesthetics, along with his excellent language skills, made him a perfect liaison and translator for both the film and music projects.